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  • IMMUNITY part 3: Full Moon, Venus and Holy Water

    ASHTAR Super Blood Moon & Lunar Eclipse May 26, 2021 The full moon of May 26 is in the sign of Venus. The water of Venus has a velvety shape. It is super feminine in energy and makes for a great reception. You can start aligning yourself with Venus and the water during this full moon. So you can get a big cleanse and update your immune system at the same time. Many emotions played tricks on you, but now they are being balanced again. Let this super blood moon close out the winter, the lockdown has recently been lifted and the freedom of the water can flow again. It touched many emotions of captivity. May these old memories of trapped feelings be released, let them fly free. Venus is love and she creates a balance in the opposite parts. She brings the differences together and makes them work together. The alignment with this Venus moon will bring about a deep transformation in the water. WATER ATOMS There are many chemical compounds that occur and are formed in the human body. All this happens naturally and almost automatically. You don't have to think about it, but sometimes this gets in the way. Man becomes far removed from this unique process of the self-healing ability. Thoughts and communication run wild. Every living thing on Earth consists largely of water. Also your cells. SACRED GEOMETRY Sacred geometries also occur in the water. Water figures and crystals can make harmonious connections with each other. Sacred geometries are always in balance. These are the forms that arise from a natural consciousness. Can you observe these? Geometric shapes can become visible through a digital lens. The crystals in the frozen water can be seen with the naked eye. Enlarge it and you will see how beautiful this micro world is. When the communication is empathetic and pure, it can help you to purify yourself and get rid of many toxic substances. From love can arise a pure source of living water. You can make the connection through the eyes and the feeling. Double dose Water atoms are particles that can convert anything. When the sunlight reflects off the water, the sunlight on the water will vibrate back and forth. Light and water provide a double dose of power to boost your immunity. The reflection on the water doubles the light intensity. Water moves and this creates a rhythmic frequency of light on the water. At that moment a very healing power for the heart arises. Feed yourself with this hydro light and a special experience arises. The self-healing ability is now restored when you make a connection with these highly vibrating particles: sparkling water. This helps boost your immunity. THE CELL Water is an additional element through which immunity can increase in strength. Your cells contain a large proportion of water, 60 to 90%. Communication with water can be arranged in such a way that a conversion occurs deep in the cells. Water is a feeling element. If the emotions are too much, the element of water can help you drain them. All this goes through thoughts and emotions, which influence the water in the cell. Have you gone numb? The element of water can bring back the feeling through memories. Water works together with the psyche. Memories are like water, they can evaporate, freeze and let flow through. So that emotions that have been frozen come into motion again. Your immune system is many times stronger than an artificial vaccine or virus. The vaccine can affect the water in the cell and cell consciousness. Know what you're doing. Overcome the fear and move on. The belief in yourself and the water may now arise renewed, this knowledge will come to you from the crystal field. DETOX TROUGH WATER Taking a water bath can be very invigorating, but it also changes the water atoms in your body. A tense cell structure may now relax. Swimming in the (cool) water provides an extra recovery of the immune system. By drinking the water, many waste products can be removed through the body. If you add herbs, crystals or mineral salts to the water, it will get an extra dimension to heal yourself, just like with the sun. This helps to increase the strength of the immune system. THE PACE OF WATER ATOMS An unknown way to use water is via the atoms, when they start to vibrate they vibrate slightly in your energy field. Water atoms are very fast processors. Emotions are quickly triggered and quickly drained. A removal too fast is sometimes not good, then too much is removed at once. While the memories of trauma cannot cope with this, the psyche becomes confused. This can cause a temporary panic. Memories are connected to timelines and all of this can be touched at the right pace. The rhythm of flowing water may be adapted to the trauma. When these go too slowly, a person can linger in the trauma for too long. Not enough is drained, blockages are not broken properly. Adding an extra element to the water can help. Sound waves give an extra dimension to open the feeling. SOUND WAVES AND THE HEART VENUS MOON Sound waves can also be used to connect you with water. Just listen to the sound of the sea, the whales and dolphins. At night the energy is highest, because the silence can spread everything more clearly. The moonlight has a different function than the sun, it is somewhat softer in light. It represents the unconscious through the dreams. Let yourself be carried away through a visualization of water and sound. This is the feminine energy and works deep into the emotions, often through symbolic (dream) images. Let this full moon of May awaken you to the feminine power of Venus. HOLY HEART The beating sound of the heart breaks through many barriers, too much tension or overload causes cardiac arrhythmias. Restore the heart rhythm through Venus and the water crystals. Put yourself in a deep rest and visualize yourself in a clear water in the caves of Venus, cool yet pleasantly warm. Together with the many beautiful (water) crystals. Take this one to your heart and see what it does to you. Each water crystal has a different intention. You can fill the water crystal with light. You can increase the frequency of the light if it feels right. Ask Venus to heal the heart through the water crystal. Now let the sunlight shine up and through the water. Now feel the absorption of the light, the sound of the water and the sacred geometric shapes in the water crystal. Let yourself be gently rocked to the rhythm of the waves and listen to the sea sounds. Instead of the sun, you can also use the moonlight. Let the sun set and the moon rise. Bathe in the moonlight and let her calm your emotions. Dissipate shadows and enter into a deep sleep. This sleep will refresh you and awaken consciousness so that the immune system can function optimally again. What are you in doubt about? Let everything come up crystal clear and try to get clear from this silence what information comes to you from the water fields of Venus. This knowledge is sacred. Adonai Ashtar I salute the light in your heart May 23, 2021 This post may be shared in its entirety and with reference to the source: © All rights reserved Arthura Hector

  • IMMUNITY part 2: Light intensity

    ASHTAR The Light in your DNA can communicate with the Light of the Sun. IMUNNITY FROM THE LIGHT Your cell nucleus radiates light, like the sun. It is a little sun that can communicate with the higher light. Through the sun, your cells can connect to an 'invisible' information field of light. This contact with the light can heal you and is important for a harmonious cooperation of the immune system. The heart reacts first and thus passes everything on to the body. All this comes about through an empathic attunement. Love is the answer and through the photons in the sunlight (a high vibrating energy) you can connect. THE SUN AND THE HEART The heart is the first to receive these signals from the light. That means the sunlight arrives first in your heart brain. The nervous system of the heart processes the light photons from the sun, so do your emotions. Light and emotions are connected through the heart. The more positive these emotions are, the higher your light will vibrate. The human heart has its own rhythm, this natural rhythm goes through everything and brings your body into balance. The psyche plays a role in the processing of experiences. This way you can manage, control and maintain your body. You understand that too much negativity takes the energy down. Too much fear and worry around you puts you in a lower frequency. Let not a veil be formed between you and the light. Traumas can be processed faster through light. Natural Photosynthesis For the conversion of sunlight into fuel and growth. The natural photosynthesis, which occur in a plant, ensure the recordings of sunlight. The plant or tree converts this sunlight and blooms. This also happens in humans. This natural form of growth has its own intelligence. It is an invisible language of the sun, which can communicate with everything on earth. Sacred geometry is the language of light. Light contains color and sound. Everything is energy. Mother Earth makes a pulsating sound, just like your human heart makes a beating sound. These sounds create waves of light. Through the rhythm of the heart you can make a connection with the core of the earth. The Earth's frequency has been increasing for years and so it can evolve. The core of the earth also radiates light, this inner sun contains crystal light. THE RESET Rest is important, but so is the right intention of thoughts. Once you realize this, you can reset and balance everything through the light. You are light and you can magnify this light. Those who want to keep man ignorant try to disconnect you from the light. At all times you can bring your whole body back into balance with your thoughts. Through meditation, prayer and moments of silence. Some of you carry an activated light and can put it down instantly. Others may first activate this light, often this is done in steps. Do you have a warm heart and do you work on the balance of your environment? Please note that a loving person with a lot of light can also be abused. You may use your goodness realistically, but learn to guard your limits. Different rules of life apply on earth than in a light dimension. Helping your fellow man is a nice act, but don't prevent them from solving their own lessons themselves. The victim role may be abandoned. Artificial Photosynthesis In addition to the knowledge of natural photosynthesis, there is now also an artificial method. These researchers are experimenting with the particle light and growth. Breaking apart nuclear particles to discover the secret of life. Without love this cannot be revealed. Their quest now takes on other forms, they want to gain power over the light. Understanding the immune system is almost impossible, but making contact with the light dimensions provides a lot of insight and flow. VACCINATIONS Bio-technology is experimenting with the human cell. If you add something artificial, the cell will reject it. If you mask this particle of artificial RNA, there will be a disturbance with the light. An unnatural information field eventually forms. This is all an experiment to see how your body reacts. Growing from the living light is a natural process, these are harmonic formulas that can come into unity with each other. Unfortunately, by disassembling everything and putting it together in an unnatural way, malfunctions arise. This creates an artificial bio-culture. Do you want to be part of this experiment? DETOX WASTE MATERIALS Waste problems arise in everything that involves artificial intervention. All over the earth there are areas that are becoming highly polluted. The profit interest of the industry is paramount here. This is the same with the human body. Side effects of medicines have to do with not properly processing excess waste. LIGHT-HEALING Dear human, realize that light is a part of the human body. You radiate light and this strengthens the immune system. The Divine Information Fields tell you that. Make sure your light shines brightly and is well tuned. Blockages in the aura only indicate the imbalance. Cleanse yourself regularly with the light and imbalance disappears. A higher light dissolves everything. Visualize a great radiant sun flooding your entire body with love and let the golden light flow all through you. Wash away all shadows, dissolve them. The Christ consciousness is a highly vibrating information field of Divine intentions. Man can now receive all this through the open crystal field on earth. Be a conviction for yourself from the light, this ensures a clear and well-functioning immune system. Adonai, Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart May 23, 2021 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: © All rights reserved Arthura Hector

  • IMMUNITY part 1: The Cell

    ASHTAR: Every cell has a core of light THE CELL THE EMPATHY CAPACITY Every cell has a core of light, in this core of light is a special information. The DNA. This DNA plays an important role and unique potentials lie hidden in it. Your talents come from this to be manifested. This information is decided to be opened. Parts of it open themselves during adulthood and allow for information and energy exchange. A completely different activity is located in the layer around the cell nucleus. In this layer is mainly the water and here the packets of information in different material are sent and let in. This part plays a role in the immunity of the body. The cell wall ensures that foreign material, such as a virus, is kept outside the cell. The skin is the first protective layer where the immune system works. Different fields work together and communicate with each other. All of this is supported by your thoughts, positive or negative. Everything you put down in energy through images and words affects the functioning of the cells and your immune system. All living things are made up of trillions of cells and they communicate with each other. They work together in the body of a plant, animal or human. This communication seems like a miracle, a miracle of empathy. This is called empathic communication. ALL FIELDS WORK TOGETHER The natural immunity of any living thing depends on where it lives. There is also a collaboration between the natural environment and the human auric field. The morphogenetic field surrounds humans and contains a lot of information. This information consists of knowledge of the past on Earth. The natural environment of humans is now changing, and the immune system adapts to it. Unless unnatural interventions take place from outside. The cell can defend itself well against all kinds of viruses and bacteria. The cell is a unique factory of living matter and it does not let in unnatural elements. This is the natural defense that man has received from birth. VACCINATIONS The latest vaccinations are grown artificially, the so-called corona virus is partly imitated and this RNA is hidden in a ball, so that the cell allows it. Why is this artificial virus being masked? The cells in your body are being fooled en masse and now wrong material is being let into the cell. What is going to happen now? What kind of communication will arise between the natural process of the cell and the unnatural element? This is something to think about because it can affect the immune system and have multiple influences on cell division. Blood cells and all other cells of organs can react differently. SELF-HEALING CAPACITY AND IMMUNITY For many people, the self-healing ability is a mysterious process. A process that cannot be controlled and cannot be controlled. The illusion of healing is increasingly contained in an artificial pill. The world in which you live has been affected and also affects the mind. The food is no longer grown in a natural environment. The building materials to grow food are no longer natural either. Everything is manipulated to speed up processing. In this way, the water in the food is also disturbed by the chemical processing. The artificial language does not match the heart language. Open this section and restore yourself through the Divine information fields. Love and your compassion help you: send out love to a neighbor. See how often you trigger positive thoughts, where is your balance? Receiving love is an interplay, a dance of give and take. It is a form of communication. Your immunity will be jeopardized if you can no longer communicate with your own body. Can you still believe in your own strength? The intention behind the belief works through all layers of consciousness. Putting responsibility outside yourself, which increases the mistrust of your own self-healing capacity, is not the solution. An artificial world is slowly rising. Stay true to humanity. HEART LANGUAGE All this can be counteracted by living from the heart and reactivating your inner voice. This is the start of the empathic language of universal consciousness. Fears are massively present, this ensures that the energy of an anti-christ arises. Non-communication is now emerging in the form of a culture of fear. The digital language becomes part of a protection via monitoring. The brain reacts superficially, with less depth. Other artificial waves are going to take over. The flat screen has a limited depth. Unless the feeling is deployed. The processing of the negative shadow sides is necessary for the removal of the poison. How can a person still be healed and become immune to new viruses? Is there a need from the great rulers to negate immunity? A self-healing ability costs nothing. It is something that is naturally given to man and immunity against diseases is part of this. An illness is an imbalance: when the feminine and masculine energy no longer work together, disturbances arise. This can be repaired. Now that there is a vaccination, which allows unnatural material to enter the body, imbalances are going to emerge. The emotion of fear can strain the cell in your body in such a way that the light becomes diffused. Duality has two sides: While the balance is disturbed, new connections can arise from love to bring about growth and light. It's that simple. Balance yourself. THE MENTAL POWER The natural environment ensures a harmonious balance between body and mind. When the mind gets sick, it disrupts the interaction between cells, molecules and atoms. The thoughts you receive or send are invisible. These thoughts are energy packets with a positive or negative charge. Sub-atoms are the smallest building block of any chemical, but natural element. Many atoms together form molecules and these create beautiful structures in nature. These structures form many kinds of life forms such as trees, animals and humans. Everything is growth and they have their own energy field of communication. Everything is communication. What is Immunity? Immunity is part of an empathic communication. Be aware of the artificial influence from the outside. The explanation given from mainstream science about the immune system falls short. The information fields about growth and light intensity are simply ignored. The voice of the heart is disturbed, so is its rhythm. By knowing this, you can recover a lot with a good conviction and the right intention. Address your cells and ask to restore the balance in your immune system. The ruling power would like to control your knowledge of the immune system. Keeping people ignorant is accompanied by confusion. Once you get confused, it's hard to get rid of it. You are being misled for a reason. Fear plays a role in influencing humans. It shuts down the mind. It closes off the information fields that you can use around you to recover yourself. The universe is a very large information field. Every living being is connected to this field and within this universal communication field is a great Divine wisdom. This way you can find out everything about yourself and the past and sometimes pieces of the future also appear. Timelines are like a sphere, they carry the information of the past, present and future, linked to an emotion. LIGHT INTENSITY The complexity of investigating natural immunity through light intensity is still impossible for humans. Today's scientists on Earth only experiment from the material biological side and not from the total picture. They close themselves off to this, but this is about to change. Light contains information and rhythmic waves. The total picture of immunity is about a special communication, which brings about a kind of amalgamation. A unit of strength, which makes the human body immune to attack from outside. This protection is called: communicating from love and empathy. PSYCHE AND EMOTIONS The study of immunity cannot be understood until the sense is turned on. Processes from a material point of view are important and must be observed, otherwise disruptions will occur. Eating well, sleeping, exercising and social interactions are part of this. In addition, feelings and emotions play a major role in the human psyche, but also in the immune system. Many psychological problems cannot yet be explained and are therefore ignored by your science. Invisible fields affect everything. This is the most important part of the natural healing process. Immunity is directly related to this. Trauma can be a major disruptor to your immunity. There is a new way to quickly resolve trauma. In this the regular system may open up to a different approach to trauma. Energetic information fields of recovery may be allowed, while communication with the trauma may be through the heart. Pushing away fear may make way for allowing insight in order to become aware. Everything is placed in a renewal and this is because of the crystalline field that is now active on earth. The light intensity gets bigger and bigger. ALLERGIES Allergies arise when wrong packages of material are allowed into the cell. Information processing is not going well. The body will attack itself. The new vaccinations can cause allergies, so be careful. This is a disruption of the natural communication between the cells in the body! Vaccination: By fooling the cell, an artificially formed part of the virus 'hammer part in a fat globule' is injected into your body and the cell wall absorbs it. A foreign material enters the cell! The natural structure of molecules can react differently. They can make other connections, allergies can also arise. LIGHT INTENSITY The light intensity in any living cell contains light photons. This is the true living particle causing a mysterious growth associated with the Divine interactions. Something can be brought to life within the large light fields. Between the light core and the other layers in the cell, there is a living buffer of water. The water function and the protein processing are located here. Water symbolizes the feeling and when a disruptive element is placed here, the light can no longer communicate with the water. The core light of the cell is influenced from another impulse. What will this do to the natural immune system and to your feelings? Is the immune system eventually artificially controlled and what does that mean? A worldwide experiment is currently being conducted on humans. The light in man and its communication are studied. Every person is unique and reacts in their own way, a knowing mind can restore everything. Let the heart guide you, she speaks the truth. Feel good about which choice you are going to make. When in doubt, wait a little longer.... until it becomes clear. Take that space. You are worth it. Speak to your body and feel what signals it is giving you. You can make the choice yourself.. Be wise. Adonai, Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart May 21, 2021 This post may be shared in its entirety and with reference to the source: © All rights reserved Arthura Hector Arthura: This is a triptych Immunity part 1: The Cell Immunity part 2: The Light Immunity part 3: The water

  • Venus Versus Vaccination

    ASHTAR: Feminine Power Venus is the feminine power of self-healing. She possesses the knowledge about peace and the restoration of dual violence. From the power of Venus, the earth can restore itself in its wholeness. The knowledge from Venus enters the earth and man has the possibility to open this through a natural healing. When the fear virus continues to rage in your minds, there can be no clarity. The healing power in man can only be stimulated from love and empathy. Natural consciousness is a gift from God, intuition is part of it. By using the intuition again, the emotional life can get going again. In this way a balance can be created. Bring back the brightness and then see how the game is actually played. The duality you live in has many possibilities. Venus directs the knowledge of the creative ability, so that solutions come your way. You are not at the mercy of confusion, for there are many paths in which man can mirror himself. The cosmos is constantly mirroring your mind to keep you awake. The updates are diverse and it is the human being who is allowed to look in this cosmic mirror. That's where the insights lie. VENUS AND THE GREAT CHANGE The feminine power of Venus brings healing and opens the emotional side. The heart begins to speak in the language of love, so that the sacred knowledge opens up. Everything is restored. Why does Venus speak through the coming moon of May? A gate will open which will activate the knowledge of Venus. Do not weaken yourself any longer and get up and look into the cosmic mirror of Venus. Take a look and ask for clarification. Venus makes the connection with Shamballa. A crystal city of the inner Earth, which once harbored the energy of Avalon. The Earthly Paradise. THE GREAT RESET Many situations have arisen in the past where the feminine medicine power has been abused. Some attacks are very subtle and often hidden. The deceptions were great and they still work in the present. The feminine Venus power is universal. Knowing this can help you broaden this power within yourself again from heart to heart. THE GREAT RESET has been announced and this is an earthly political program to create a new artificial world. NATIVES The original inhabitants of the earth have been banned everywhere and their knowledge has been stolen. This knowledge is the real knowledge of natural consciousness. Therein lies the healing power of the Light. The signs of the universal language are rhythmic. This is the language of the heart and the starry sky above you is the Divine playing field. In the artificial program the manipulations around the earth are being prepared. DRUG POWER The medicinal power has been banned and it is almost lost. They have put you to sleep, but now you wake up! A plan also unfolds from the Divine light. It was activated eons ago to open the cosmic consciousness! The manipulative powers build up layer by layer, to place man in a strange reality. A misleading turn has arisen, which represents the knowledge of a super-rational structure. Explore both sides of duality so that it can no longer mislead you. MAKE CONNECTIONS The masculine structure protects the feminine water and brings calm to the high waves of emotions. The feminine feeling gives depth to the masculine ratio, so that empathy and understanding arise for the other who is suffering. Both parts are needed. Rejecting one side involves unnecessary struggle. ARTIFICIAL MANIPULATION Artificial drugs and treatments are introduced as a necessity. Humans have forgotten to rely on their own preventive cure and many rely on an artificially produced vaccine. There are other roads, explore these first. So that the choice is made from peace and not from confusion. Perhaps waiting is a better option to better understand the final result. MOTHER EARTH: THERE IS ENOUGH TIME The earth is feminine and the water flows through everything. The knowledge about the energetic body has been placed in the taboo sphere. This banishment has a reason. It allows the artificial system to occupy this space. Many more periods are needed before this plan is fully rolled out. It is important to hear this now so that you can adjust your direction in time. Not just for yourself, but for generations to come. BUILD BACK BETTER Fear can be projected through various layers of a parallel universe. Thoughts of fear are stored (eg traumas) in past time lines. That way all of this is maintained. The artificial program offers a utopian escape to a world of dependence. BUILD BACK BETTER is the term you want to describe your world politics. To change everything from the 'great reset'. This program hinders the growth of evolution. TIMELESSITY The future dimensions are very far ahead in their knowledge and want to pass this powerful medicine on to humans. As soon as the earth takes in this new knowledge, it chooses progress. A new movement is emerging all over the world. The denial of a natural leap forward toward Venus will negate the BUILD BACK BETTER program. The planetary consciousness is rising to expose the new illusion. ARTIFICIAL CONSCIOUSNESS The choice is yours, what do you believe? Feel the intention behind the explanation. The artificial program creates a numb void and how is it filled? It is suggested that the natural immune system is unreliable. Those who claim this want to convince you and need your input. The more anti-drugs are used, the more power they gain over humans. They make man dependent on this way of life. This is not just about a vaccination, it is about a completely different attitude to life. Man is a unique being with a very special system of recovery. Watch the body heal itself. The brainwash effect is created by repeating many images, so that they are burned onto the retina. You give away the power over your health and they make sure that you remain dependent in a system that they control. Get out of this and take responsibility for your own life again. ACTIVE STARLIGHT Shamans, herbal women, holy men, medicine women and men transfer their knowledge to the next generation. They possess an active divine DNA! In many, this DNA has become inactive. An artificial language has arisen and man becomes alienated from the light that shines in him or her. The opening of the medicine language goes through the heart. Now that the crystal field on Earth is active, the starlight and natural language can grow again. The starseeds have been planted and can evolve into an Earth Angel. The trauma that the manipulators create ensures that people only focus on pain and suffering. Attention now turns to a field of suffering, a collective cloud of pain. Nobody wants this, but it happens. That is called manipulation, without your realizing it you are placed in this field. The dominance of many artificial agents that affect your immune system via the intestinal flora, ensure that your immune system no longer works optimally. The intestines lie in the lunar energy of the body and are the reflection of the brain. Where the chi point of your life energy is located, is the connection with the pineal gland. Don't let this power diminish you and protect it. The knowledge that has become hidden may now be retrieved. Just ask for it and it will resurface. You do have a choice! PAST AND FUTURE This beautiful starlight opens and man discovers a creative healing power. The past is now an open book. Clear images now guide you and you see how the game works. The damaged starlight can be restored. The artificial program continues, so that the past begins to confuse the mind of man. The future starlight is affected through a manipulation of the DNA, this is the new scrambling. The start is now: the new form of vaccination that is now being introduced contains components that support a new illusion. This all has to do with cell division and the signals from the cell to other cells. There lies a special power of impulse and growth. The vaccinations ensure that an extra virus part is introduced into the cell. When the impulses are misled from the cell, by a strange addition, a completely different connection is established. Not a step forward, but back: BUILD BACK BETTER. They take over the role of God and play with your light power BELIEVE IN VACCINATIONS? There will be followers who will embrace these artificial interventions. Those who believe that this will be the new liberation are manipulated and disappointed. Accepting all this means that man undermines the inner talent of self-healing. The signals of feeling are suppressed and fear becomes the new leader in your life. Traumas play a major role, it is cleverly set up. This is all built up layer by layer. Look to the past and see how this buildup of manipulation keeps coming back in a new form. In this year 2021, the signs of the past will be exposed, both positive and negative. Everything has two sides, don't let the negative side dominate your life. Mention the positive sides regularly and show what you do with all this. What influence do you allow to stay in balance? The Earth is a great experimental playing field of love, but that doesn't mean there aren't natural laws. The Divine boundary is protected by timelines and parallel universes: through the Sacred Universal Councils. The earth will eventually bring everything back into balance. Precisely where imbalance prevails, she will intervene with her life force. It is supported by the planetary consciousness and the universal Divine consciousness. These forces are immense and produce harmonic timelines. THE CONFUSION Which program are you taking? The program of confusion or that of clarity. Remove the veil from your head and look up! Adonai Ashtar I salute the Light in your heart May 9, 2021 This post may be shared in its entirety and with reference to the source: © All rights reserved Athura Hector



  • Hanael: Angels of Sirius

    In a beautiful moment of healing, the Angel Hanael came to me and told me about Venus and Sirius. In this message he talks about the Angels of the star Sirius. Androgynous Hanael is an Angel with a lot of feminine energy, but he spoke with a masculine voice and like many Angels they are both male and female. They carry the unity energy with them. Androgynous energy means that they have become one with God, in order to become one with God each being must first unite itself. Angels possess those qualities and work in the layers that lie between man and God. Hanael means: THE POWER OF GOD. His decisiveness is so strong and tangible that your earthly path can be transformed immediately. Dear people, here speaks the Angel Hanael, I am connected with the Divine ray that comes from the star Sirius and Venus. This movement of the Sirius beam is still unknown to many. Now that the new earth is opening, this layer can show itself to humans again. We are now making the lines from Sirius to Earth. The layer in which the Angels of Sirius reside is an unknown and invisible dimension. Sirius contains many layers and parts that have been much talked about. Like Sirius A and B, there is also another dimension: The Angelic Sphere of Sirius. This contains a "secret" Angel Code: "To protect all higher knowledge after the fall of Atlantis, these sacred codes were transferred to the closed dimensions and kept secret. These higher dimensions were made invisible, to prevent abuse. Now the new time has come to unlock all this . So that the earth and man can take back these sacred codes, they belong to man and the earth." Higher Divine Knowledge The higher knowledge of Sirius is not equal to the higher magic of Sirius. We are now making the move to look higher into the vibration and you are now experiencing the connection from a higher Divine layer that is connected to Sirius. Higher Divine knowledge is connected with the higher heart, the thimus (chakra). You understand when this is activated that a lot of knowledge can come in. Higher Heart Activation The activation of the higher heart is one of the most important parts that will take place after the heart chakra. You are all being prepared for this especially spiritually. The announcement of this message can already give a lot of conversion, where it is needed. In the higher heart there is a balance that goes beyond any unity on Earth. It is the Divine oneness. Many Angels from Sirius are coming to you to activate this part. Especially with those who have a strong connection to the star Sirius. Ancient Egypt is Renewing The ones that carry memories of ancient Egypt, such as past lives. Can now switch to a new connection. The full moon of June is associated with the power of higher knowledge. This will work together and continue to the full moon of July 2020. De Leeuw. Sirius also plays a role here. The moon of July represents the throat chakra, speaking. Speaking according to the new codes from the higher heart and the higher Divine knowledge. It is going to be a special time and you are going to experience these activations and all of this is causing a great transformation. Angels of Sirius and Venus The balancers from Venus form the higher *planetary knowledge of the unity of the feminine (blue) and masculine (rose/red). These two form a unit with each other. The rainbow colors are connected with the Angels of Venus, they come from this. They use the purple unity via a planetary energy and thus nourish mother earth via cosmic knowledge. A planet has a different function than a star. The Angels of the star Sirius work with different rays, but this renewal is connected with the color lilac and purple and with the higher *stellar knowledge. The star Sirius has a very high vibration, especially in the Divine part. The purple and lilac rainbows carry very high vibrations. This is the unit color that will now be opened to the crystalline earth. These are complemented by the silver and gold ray. After all, these also stand for the higher cosmic duo: The cosmic feminine living water (silver) and the cosmic male, living sunlight (gold). Higher cosmic feminine and masculine of Sirius The higher cosmic female and male part are thus awakened again in man. Again and again from a higher vibration of silver and gold. The Divine touch now becomes a fact and the higher knowledge will be opened through the Angels of Sirius. The old higher knowledge on earth, such as in the pyramids of Egypt, also open further to remove the blockages that have arisen. These are immediately renewed in the layer of the new earth. The knowledge of ancient Egypt will form a foundation, but this foundation upon which the new earth is opening becomes a totally new movement. The purple crystalline movement. A Divine growth will take place and many associated with this will arise in that new Divine concept. You are born again from this physical earth plane. This particular movement just goes through everything and you can carry it, as the new earth is entering the Aquarian Age. This belongs to Aquarius, this is the knowledge that belongs to the higher heart. The transmutation of the old passes into a new form. Don't be afraid and let go of the old. Purple Creation Spiral The spiral of creation is now moving and if you have always felt this deep in your heart, it will come to you. It opens up in you the creativity that you have so missed and that you once banned from your life. This spiral of creation is connected with the higher knowledge and unity. Maybe you've been waiting for this, is that why you could never start with your creative abilities? Is your connection very deep and Divine with these Angels of Sirius? Maybe you are one of them.. then make the connection and pass this energy on to the earth and man. You are unique in everything you do. You often feel lonely on Earth. Make the new dance of Aquarius and make the colors whole. Stop being disturbed and put down your new boundary. This purple rainbow spiral goes well with the colors of Aquarius, aqua contains the rainbow colors of the blues and aqua colors. It reinforces each other in purity. Co-Creation Let the purple rainbows flow from your hands like flowers, make your own dance to the new sounds and let the new colors flow from your voice. These spirals will embrace life and breathe life back into your higher heart. This playful and childlike energy of the little boy and girl contains a lot of pure love. At the same time, maternal empathy and paternal protection embrace the child. Embrace yourself with the energy of the Angels of Sirius and experience how beautiful it is. Again they will arise on the earth and bring a totally new form, you can create with them: "in co-creation with the Divine movement". Uneasy feeling Are you looking for something new or do you feel inside that something is about to happen: Then this could be the connection with the Angels of Sirius. This energy is different and very excited. Will a beautiful feather fall in front of your feet or a special flower today or tomorrow? Then this is an invitation from the new energy. A pure purple ray of Light from a new spiral movement then comes your way. These renewed purple rainbows will work together with the violet flame and the purple crystals. All purple colored energies are coming together and being renewed. Everything touches this energy and renews the sacred codes. Man and duality Most people think that like angels, they must first be "in perfect unity" in order to make contact with God. People in the dual world are allowed to make contact with God at all times, there are no conditions attached to this. Hope, despair and the cry The individual who has sunk deep into a lower world of fog may at some point cry out so desperately for God's help that he receives an instant revelation. A direct beam of Light is opened in them and the connection that is then created is so pure and loving, as if they were struck by a flash of lightning. Power of Faith Hardly any person on earth is permanently in perfect balance, because duality plays a major role. This often brings imbalance, disturbances and pain. What is perfection and what is it about? It's about the power of faith. The passion to believe in a great powerful source of love from which you are all born is not so simple for everyone. That is why there are Angels, to help you. Angel codes from Sirius are very powerful and loving Images open spontaneously in you, during a meditation or dream. And even during the day. These images are the new language and in this way everything is renewed. The tone of purple renewal is set. It lifts you up to another reality. Slowly your eyes can get used to the new perception. You perceive differently, your mind registers everything differently. This is very new to you as a human being and at the same time your soul is telling you: "This is what I have been waiting for". During the conversion, you may be overcome by a deep sleep or an intense fatigue. Admit it, it's important that you follow these feelings. You really need your rest, because these conversions can be quite tough. This was the Angel Hanael from the Angelic sphere of Sirius and Venus I salute the renewal in your higher heart Adonai May 12, 2020 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: ©All rights reserved   Arthura Hector

  • The Great (Galactic) Gathering 2020: Corona Disclosure

    Exercise with the sunlight INTRO ARTHURA: Ashtar came to me yesterday and asked if I was ready. This year he guided me into the universe. We flew past stars and planets and he showed me that the original basis of the corona virus was once part of a Divine light matter. Faces of creatures I didn't like crossed my retina and I was startled. They are also in the collective consciousness, he explained. Collective consciousness plays a major role in this pandemic. The crystalline field is opening and this is going to be linked to the collective consciousness. The collective consciousness is then strengthened with a large light impulse. CORONAVIRUS Ashtar told me in word and image that there were beings who were very curious about that divine particle with which an evolution and everything comes to growth, she wanted to know the magic behind all this. She isolated one part from a divine unity formula consisting of four parts of matter. She detached the four parts to disconnect that one divine particle, which promotes the magic of growth, and start experimenting with it. But that one particle influences the other three parts with which they formed a balanced unity. These unity formulas contain a divine balance, like everything in natural consciousness. In the divine setting these particles work together and were not allowed to be disconnected. Together they form the Light. After disconnecting and isolating this divine matter. A particle was created that carried a lot of imbalance. It was linked to strange chemical compounds. These particles of imbalance behaved aggressively. Other particles were attacked as an experiment and these started to spread, as it spread itself all kinds of other chemical compounds were formed that behaved strangely and unnaturally. Their experiment went so far as to manifest on Earth as well. Before WWII there were contacts from other dimensions that wanted to change human DNA. These experiments were even injected into a live fetus in the womb (NAZI regimen). Through this unnatural part they wanted to influence the DNA and these experiments were meant to see how this evolution/growth element developed in different DNA's in different family lines… especially in family lines where there was a lot of light potential. That was the start, but these beings, including the greys, who showed little emotion themselves, wanted to know what the matter growth was. They thought to convert this as a particle of matter into a formula through a separate chemical composition and use it anywhere. These beings think in unnatural formulas, are rational and they investigate what is applicable or not. They have no feeling for the suffering of man or animal. The grays eventually stopped doing that, for a reason. As they explored this particle more and more, an unknown element appeared which contained the love vibration. Many have connected with it and have ascended to a higher consciousness. She stopped experimenting and now "experiments" with the divine matter of love. The unity energy. After WOII, the experiments were transferred to a separate group of scientists. They were deployed to try these evolution/growth matter particles on animals to alter them by DNA and add artificial agents into the food. So that they would grow faster, be resistant to diseases, etc. That is why many outbreaks in animals have arisen, especially in the factory industry such as swine fever, bird disease, etc. It brought great imbalance. And now it has mutated further. The corona that is now emerging comes from SARS. It's SARS according to Ashtar. Ashtar therefore prefers not to call it corona. It's a mutated virus and it hasn't been mutated yet. But something is about to change, action will be taken. It is an experiment that has gotten out of hand, which the scientists can hardly contain. There is great panic among those in power about this outbreak. They pass on their own fear through the media, because their own power play is at stake. They want to maintain an overview at all costs. All this was discussed during the Great Gathering of 2020. Decisions have been made and help will be offered from the light dimensions. ASHTAR Good day dear people. Now that an unearthly virus is roaming the Earth, a disclosure is set in motion, bigger than ever. A disclosure to awaken many to face reality. Is the corona virus an alien invasion? A masked group who increasingly want to assert their power lose their mask. They become recognizable, and therefore also dangerous. They want to turn some of the truth into lies. They are masters of masking the truth. The fight for the truth will become the distraction from what really matters. Stay aware and follow your heart. The information that is now descending mainly comes from the collective consciousness. A lot of fear has been sown in the collective consciousness about the virus. In the dark corners of society, emotions emerge that represent suffering. All this also ends up in the collective consciousness of man and the earth. After all, a collective consciousness is a dimension of energy, a large cloud where all experiences, thoughts and dreams of humans and animals will gather. Also the experiences and thoughts around the corona virus. How it entered the Earth. The stories of science, the knowledge of the countries where the corona virus has manifested itself seriously. When fear predominates or when you focus on the vibrations of fear. Are you linked to the great consciousness, the collective of fear. That affects your life negatively. So is the healing of your physical body. It is good to awaken to the truth, but like everything else on Earth, it can turn into a wave of depression, hysteria and disgust from feeling powerless. Do not allow the feeling of oppression, open the sky and ask for the light of love. Conspiracy and conspiracy must not become monsters that will work against the truth. Only love and empathy can save the world. Only then can the whole truth emerge. The corona virus is active and is conquering the earth. What can be done about this? For all who are so shocked, keep faith in the good, in a positive course. Once in your dual world you have two sides: positive and negative. Unite these when one strikes out and the other seems too mild. This is especially true for news from the media. Unfortunately, the spread of fear is still the main part in which they process and spread their message. Be wise and let yourself be guided by your feelings, separate from everything around you. Provide a meditation moment that brings you to the silence. Focus on your own core and on the core of the earth. Therein lies a wisdom that is often underestimated. Connect with that. Try to wean the fears from the facts, because right now it is about the solution, the healing and the recovery. This virus was indeed created and originated from an experiment that got out of hand. It has since mutated. Everyone is shocked and hopefully all this will lead to an expansion in consciousness: Which stand for showing respect to mother earth.. For she does not watch in silence, she is a living being. LIGHT FORCES Know that great Light forces from the Light Dimensions are watching over you, great platforms have been set up from which we work. These etheric platforms are close to Earth and will transmute the virus. Through the crystalline grid we can now manifest everything together with you. We're going to show ourselves like lights in the sky, so you don't feel left alone. The sun can help to restore imbalance. Also from the virus! The physical sun will help you to make a countermovement and it goes like this: EXERCISE WITH THE SUNLIGHT Let go of all thoughts and calm them down. Especially the runaway thoughts and emotions are calmed down, you will now relax. Realize that a large part of humanity is resistant to the virus and you are one of them! Because you are a starlight, the knowledge of healing is hidden within you, bring it up again. OPEN THESE IN THE LIGHT OF THE SUN Now relax. Connect with the sun, outside or inside. Let the rays embrace you completely You can feel the heat all the way through you Your breathing calms down and it continues to fall from the chest to the abdomen Get in and out quietly All the sun's rays hit the ckakra wheels in your body and purify all fears, tensions and thoughts of doom Now you let a ray enter your third eye This large beam of sunlight purifies everything that is on your retina Through your third eye everything now flows cleanly throughout your body Then a beautiful halo of light slowly appears around you this halo or sphere consists of white golden light and forms an energetic protection around you It's a filter of light You can open or close this filter of light Depending on you need this form of protection And where you go also plays along LARGE BEAM OF LIGHT FROM THE SUN Then a large beam of light from the sun enters your crown this one floods you with love and compassion At that moment you can ask to open your knowledge for corona virus protection So that there is not only a layer of protection is built around you but also the knowledge opens up how to deal with it Visualize this meditation regularly it will increase the crystal in your heart So that a large beam of light will arise from you This is how you activate your starlight in times of chaos Repeat this daily STARSEEDS One last part that I, Ashtar, would like to mention are the starseeds. There are those of you who are very sensitive to the influence of the collective consciousness. You are the starseeds, starseeds. Your starseeds are not only feeling this, but are also converting parts. I advise you to live in seclusion for a while, or to find as much peace as possible and to shield yourself. So that everything remains bearable, even after a few months. Save your energy. Put yourself in an "energetic quarantine", we can help you with that. This "energetic quarantine" works like in the exercise with the sun. An extra protection filter is then placed around you from the light. So that the virus can't wrap you up and it will limit the complaints. Mild complaints may arise. First do the exercise of the sun and then we help you to keep this on track. We also help you with the conversions to counteract the imbalance of the virus. Great help is being offered from the Light Dimensions to prevent the further spread. From the new moon, Tuesday 24 March, a new energy arises, through these vibrations the virus spread is reduced and accelerated. This is the fourth crystal moon of 2020. It is the power of the sun rising and it stands for communication. This one is golden yellow, pay attention to how you communicate: "From love and compassion or from negativity and fear". Awaken the core crystal in your heart, Because the virus will be overcome, after a peak of infection it drops very quickly. Go through it with common sense and a loving heart. Stay empathetic. HANDS ON THE HEART Place your hand(s) on the heart as a greeting or as a sign of compassion towards your fellow man. Know that through each disclosure a wave of awareness opens and touches consciousness. This was Ashtar Adonai I salute the light in your heart * Goethe (1749-1837): "A few people have the imagination for reality. March 23, 2020 This message may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: ©Arthura Hector All rights reserved

  • Corona Wreath of Light: The Answer to the virus is Light

    Arthura: How can this beautiful name be linked to a fear virus? The rise of the coronavirus (SARS according to Ashtar) became active from the third new moon (February) and increased until the third full moon of March 9, and will also be largely negated when this March moon wanes. The detoxifier was placed in the physical world through a virus? I can only pass on this answer later, being patient is sometimes difficult for me, because.. A wave of fear came over our world. COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS While I knew it would blow over, I noticed in my sensitivity that it was doing something to me. It arose completely unexpectedly while shopping. Slowly and unnoticed a vague feeling came into my head and my stomach started to play. I came from the supermarket sick and because of that I decided to go home quickly. At home I came to rest and I wondered, what is this now? A nauseous and unwell feeling came up and it overcame me. A heaviness around my shoulders, this pressed me down on the chest and also as if I were floating outside my body for a while. Losing myself for a while doesn't bother me often, going on a trip is nice and this was vague, unknown .. What was my problem and what could I do about it? It was indeed correct, because the group meetings had been stopped from February, and I was put in an *energetic quarantine. So I was told by Ashtar and now I understand it better. At a certain moment I understood that the collective fear was so worldwide, and that every person is connected to it. I felt this so clearly now! My sensitive antennas ensured that I picked up this particular wave. It was a mixture of emotions from different parts of the world, but also something else. Fear in China is different than in Italy or the Netherlands The tension of the collective consciousness is prevalent among the population and is really intense and true. I felt a vague feeling in my abdominal area, the detoxification was started. I didn't recognize this feeling, because I had never felt a world fear before and I almost passed out. It came in so violently. I received the signals from all over the world, but also the solutions. Yet there was more… something I could not and cannot explain. I dissolved, in a way that I didn't like. From that moment on I realized, I have to deal with this differently. I withdrew from my inner answers and cosmic conversations. I also decided not to go to the shops anymore, but I also noticed: where many people were present, I had that strange feeling of restlessness, of fainting. Like I was being sucked into something. I didn't want any contact for a while, my whole being couldn't handle this. The tension was too great to bear or to convert. This was something outside of me, which I had to "close" properly? What I can and cannot do... I didn't want to end up in a mass audience anymore, that gave me a bad feeling that built up the longer I stayed here. Where many fearful thoughts were present, such as in the shops. Rather withdraw myself. Looking for peace in nature .. but I also noticed unrest here. I noticed that the trees and nature were also flooded with tension, they also absorb this! Sacred places, on the other hand, can transform this, just for us humans in the physical plane. Pieces of the puzzle fell together for me. The earth tries to reach us and communicate with us, to keep us healthy. But what if we can no longer respond? THE SUN And then the sun shone in my eyes, after I came home unwell and fell on the couch. I felt that this light was helping me. I became relaxed and let in the heat. I decided to sit outside in the sun and this is how I communicated with the sun: "The sun and the garland of light after which this virus is named...there also lies the answer for healing and recovery!" IN THE LIGHT OF THE SUN "Let the sun enter you, soft and yet bright. Being in the sun gives a nice feeling. The warmth feels like an embrace of a father and child. It can be so safe and comforting. It can be that simple. Because via the heat, the burning up, the virus can reduce itself Dissolving the virus: where there is a shortage of LIGHT, the virus manifests. Where also the energy of the virus has entered too much and everything around it, a dark spot The collective consciousness we are all connected to is overloaded: The virus will be hit in our collective or will our collective be hit by the virus?" PROTECTOR The sun is the protector of fear and of the artificial concept, the virus. So when the darkness opens, seek out the sun. Physically, he is the medicine for the moment. Energetic unlimited. Enjoy, but don't let your skin burn. Protect your eyes from an over-upload of light. When too much light shines into the eyes, you get an overload: "just closing them protects them well, because these are your natural sun visors". The moon and sun work together on a healing solution for you. MOTHER EARTH.. Shouts out to you and hopes that all of us on Earth now come to realize what is at stake. Don't think there's nothing wrong! Go to your gut feeling and let the outside world do it. Choose your own path of recovery and healing, as this moon gives you the opportunity to look deeply into your inner crystalline soul. At the same time, the outermost layer, the collective consciousness, will begin to touch you. Learn to deal with it well, because this will not be the only form of imbalance that will arise. Think of it as training for tomorrow. We as human beings are allowed to learn, with small, yet spicy steps, what it is like to enter the transition phase of a new world. NEW VIBRATIONS? I asked Ashtar this morning: "When can I share the next cosmic message, because you have shown me so much?" But he pointed me to the date of the end of March. He asked me to wait a little longer and be patient, so that this knowledge can be passed on in the right way. Yet I wanted to pass this piece on to you with my own experiences and as stubborn as I am... hereby. I salute the (sun) Light in your heart Arthura Hector March 16, 2020 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: All rights reserved ©Arthura Hector

  • Third Crystalline Moon: The Detoxifier

    Lady Gaia: Full SuperMoon, Super Beautiful Lady Gaia This full moon of March 9, 2020 releases a super energy in the field of detoxification. You may notice that your entire emotional system finds itself in a separate field of tension. If so, you're working hard to disconnect old things from the past. Rest assured it will pass. Too many emotions need to be balanced. Because emotions enhance this process. Try to bring yourself back to simplicity as much as possible. To the peace in your heart. The earth, Lady Gaia does not only revolve for humans, but precisely for everything that lives. I am part of many layers of consciousness. Earth consciousness may reach a point this year where the health of my core is reflected on my surface in the human worldview. This will open further next year This moon is touching the earth's past, my old energy wants to be released. Many people hold on to the old, let it go and help me in this transition. Crystalline energy may continue to flow in any vibration, that way the new field becomes a powerful layer from which I can manifest. I am taking my new earth children into this and many natural life forms of the earth are transferring into this layer. The new earth is a beautiful form of loving togetherness. Ashtar This moon is the mirror of emotion. It reflects your vibration and this supermoon can raise or lower your entire system. What is reflected in this supermoon? Which experience will arise and who will take place in this manifestation of me.., who will play the leading role in this film? What are you looking at? There are unconscious judgments in your head. It kind of depends on what you're going through and what this moon is showing you. How does your energy system react to this detox, is it the old pieces that trigger you? The moon of March seems like a magic mirror in which both terrible scenes pass by, but also the beauty of the heart. These opposites are released and thus form a different vision. TRAUMA AND FEARS The traumas that are still present in some may be released. It's about the fear that lies behind this scenario. This becomes visible and emotions take flight to a certain point. That point becomes the point of turnaround and once that is understood, everything comes into balance. The peak of emotions immediately subside and show a whole different world. Then the curtain opens and a friendly and harmonious world emerges. A new start, for all people. For the whole world, including me. Besides the monsters and hell, there is an entirely different way of life. That is why this moon carries the balance of the heart, the balance that may take place from the detoxification. Because once going through this detoxification, rainbows appear and they make everything whole. In this way, this supermoon can become a super beautiful experience. You feel very clean and pure afterwards. Completely different. THE JUDGEMENT You can now let go of the old judgment and thus break the prison in which you have lived for a long time. Love is really going to flow all the way through you now. Allow it, you need this so much. Every soul needs love. Also us from another etheric dimension and when we can all share this this love is so beautiful. COURAGE So the peaks in the deep emotions are the clearing, also physically many go through erratic discomforts. Complaints from the liver, kidneys, bile and pancreas can play a role. The body can stiffen with fear and pain. This third crystalline activation is so strong that you don't have to do anything extra. The liver plays a major role and cleaning is allowed during this moon. If you want to support this through nutrition, the best period is after the full moon. During waning moon. The kidneys also detoxify and remove waste products. Make sure you take rest and relaxation. The body works very hard and after working hard, you can enjoy it again. Enjoy, even if you think you shouldn't, make room for it. Coronavirus The coronavirus has shown itself during this moon of detoxification and especially China and other countries have come into contact with it. This time-out wakes people up. The film of fear is magnified, especially in the countries where it has exploded. From the new moon of detoxification, this has built up and will continue until the full moon of March 9, 2020. With the waning moon, the strength of the virus will also decrease. After this full moon, there will be more peace again. A small part of this virus remains active, where it may still have some effect. It has shown a fear and people should know how vulnerable life on earth can be. How big is the corona monster made? This depends on the “lessons” being received in all walks of life. Monsters are there to be defeated, but how? If you make the monster too big and too unrealistic, it will be a disaster? A healthy mind can understand and know what to do, but a sick mind shuts itself up with fear. Sometimes this may also happen, it gives peace and reflection, but don't make it a corona monster that everyone devours. Let go of that doom and gloom. That way the coronavirus is having an effect on humans during this super moon, everything is blown up bigger than it is, the super reflections go to work. Work your way through these thoughts: HET OORDEEL Je kunt nu het oude oordeel loslaten en zo doorbreek je de gevangenis waarin je lang hebt geleefd. De liefde gaat nu werkelijk helemaal door je heen stromen. Laat het toe, je hebt dit zo nodig. Elke ziel heeft liefde nodig. Ook wij vanuit een andere etherische dimensie en wanneer we dit allen kunnen delen is deze liefde zo wonderschoon. MOED Dus de pieken in de diepe emoties zijn de opschoning, ook fysiek gaan vele door grillige ongemakken. Klachten vanuit de lever, nieren, gal en alvleesklier kunnen op gaan spelen. Het lichaam kan verstijven van angst en pijn. Deze derde kristallijne activatie is zo sterk dat je niks extra's hoeft te doen. De lever speelt een grote rol en tijdens deze maan mag er gereinigd worden, wil je dit gaan ondersteunen d.m.v. voeding, dan is de beste periode na de volle maan. Tijdens afnemende maan. Ook de nieren ontgiften de afvalstoffen en deze worden verwijdert. Let goed op dat je rust en ontspanning neemt. Het lichaam werkt heel hard en na hard gewerkt te hebben, mag er weer genoten worden. Geniet, ook al denk je dat het niet mag, maak er ruimte voor. Corona Virus Het coronavirus heeft zich laten zien tijdens deze maan van ontgifting en vooral China en andere landen zijn daarmee in aanraking gekomen. Deze time-out schudt mensen wakker. De film van angst wordt vergroot, vooral in de landen waar het geëxplodeerd is. Vanaf de nieuwe maan van ontgifting heeft zich dit opgebouwd en dit zal zich laten gelden tot de volle maan van 9 maart 2020. Met de afnemende maan zal ook de kracht van het virus gaan afnemen. Na deze volle maan komt er weer meer rust. Een klein gedeelte van dit virus blijft actief, waar het nog iets mag uitwerken. Het heeft een angst laten zien en de mens mag weten hoe kwetsbaar het leven op aarde kan zijn. Hoe groot wordt het coronamonster gemaakt? Dit hangt af van de “lessen” die ontvangen worden in alle lagen van de wereldbevolking. Monsters zijn er om verslagen te worden, maar op welke manier? Maak je het monster te groot en te onrealistisch dan wordt dit een ramp? Een gezonde geest kan het begrijpen en weet wat te doen, maar een zieke geest sluit zichzelf op van angst. Soms mag dit ook gebeuren het geeft rust en bezinning, maar maak er geen coronamonster van wat iedereen verslindt. Laat die doemgedachte los. Op die manier heeft het coronavirus een uitwerking op de mens tijdens deze supermaan, alles wordt g roter opgeblazen dan het is, de superreflecties gaan aan het werk. Werk jezelf door deze gedachten heen: Because the world view is shocked for a while It no longer takes place on the silver screen, fantasy becomes reality? The earth shows itself and the sick part also gets up and takes a different turn in your life. Wherever the disease originated, it affects everyone. The third crystal moon of 2020 makes everything die and bloom again and the purity of the crystals are increased and work through, the large crystal field becomes more powerful and it is reflected by its super moon. Enjoy, because she is super beautiful! These were Ashtar and Lady Gaia, We salute the light in your heart Adonai March 7, 2020 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: All rights reserved ©Arthura Hector

  • Second Crystalline Activation 2020: High Priestess

    ASHTAR: Full Moon of February 9, 2020 This is a new post about the crystalline activations of 2020. What are crystalline activations? Crystalline activations awaken the new crystalline layer in the earth and in humans. This great crystalline field has been worked on for years, by the earth itself, but also by you as a human being. When a large crystalline field is set up, there is a close association with the Divine helpers. This new field around the earth is being activated from the Divine Source. This Light is opening in different layers and is unstoppable. The crystalline conversions are very large and unavoidable this coming year. Each of you is part of this renewal. The first full moon of January triggered the first low. The layer associated with basic security in the physical earth. In every person this awakens a deeper layer from the natural balance and purity. The family lines have been touched and converted in the first layer. This continues until a deep transformation occurs in the second layer. Your aura will shine and you can now convert traits that you have not been able to do before. That gives a huge relief and a power that explodes from within. SECOND CRYSTALLINE LAYER OPENS In this special year of great renewal, the pure crystalline layers open in quick succession. That gives a huge conversion in the physical earth, the visible purification rises! On February 9, 2020, the second tier of creativity will open. Prior to the day of the gate of two: the High Priestess. HIGH PRIESTESS: THE NUMBER 2 The high priestess enriches the female power and doses all this in the month of February. She propagates the number 2 in a special creative way, all of this will manifest itself through the crystalline field. Also, February marks a particularly powerful portal of the number two. On 02-02-2020 a divine portal has opened to allow the crystalline energy beam to pass through. A gate that rarely occurs and will no longer arise for the time being. ARTHURA: EEL DREAM PORTAL 02-02-2020 What is an eel dream? A series of numbers (or rhythms in music) that give the same outcome or rhythms both forwards and backwards. In the form of a rhythmic portal: These are very powerful portals and this means that the dream reality is activated. The realities of the dream fields are now being incorporated into the crystal field. A special time is approaching and it brings new realities into view and back into your life. Multidimensionality. Many "eel" dreams have arisen in our past. 909 years ago there was one on 11-11-111. The next one will also have to wait a while after that. In 101 years 12-12-2121 will take place. After that we can wait 1010 years for another palindrome day on 03-03-3030. This time the palindrome day is extra special. This February 2, 2020 is the 33rd day of the year and we still have exactly 333 days to go. ASHTAR: You see that the number 2 holds a special activation this year and it is connected with the rhythm 'creation': "Are you a dreamer who creates?" Did you use your talents, were you able to apply them or what held you back? Even more important is: "What is your position as a person on earth? How have you created this position for yourself so far? Are you reaping the benefits or do you still have a lot to convert? The activations continue to work in every person, but it depends on where you stand. What is your starting position in this year: 'Have you been living in the veils for the past few years and will this be your first opening to another reality? Then the old blinders fall off and a sigh of relief rises." Or have you been working in this area for a while? However, it will be hard work for everyone. This is because each moon has a different rhythm. Another activation in a different guise. FEMALE POWER The level of the 2 is the layer of the High Priestess. This is also the female power that will manifest itself strongly, even though there is still a lot of resistance from the (male) fear. The ratio cannot let go of the old and prefers to keep the female power imprisoned and locked. This one opens and the female opposition stands up. If it doesn't turn left, it turns right. Even more hidden things become clear and these provide a lot of insight. DUALITY The dual parts of the masculine and feminine power can oppose each other as usual. The crystalline energy provides the pure fusion. Gain insight into a new field of collaboration and apply this from the perspective of creation. The new duality and sacred marriage are better understood. The earth is the important link in this that will increasingly play up in the spirit of the female power, she will no longer tolerate the abuse of the her fruits. The earth knowledge is released "again" and touches you in your deepest core. Protecting the earth is a must. Do you stand up for the earth, or would you rather stay safely hidden behind the lines? This was Ashtar I salute the crystalline light in your heart Adonai February 9, 2020 This post may be shared in its entirety and citing the source: ©Arthura Hector all rights reserved

  • Adama: Waking Up from a Renewed Crystalline Core

    ADAMA The renewed form of awakening occurs when the new crystalline fields activate your inner knowledge, releasing new crystalline information. This new knowledge comes in through the thought world of the collective consciousness and from your heart. Waking up from 2020 will look very different. EXPERIENCES OF PAIN The experience of the pain can be experienced differently from this new impulse. This renewed awakening will open a process that connects family lines. This ancient process lifts your powerlessness. Together with the earth a renewed perception appears. Many have undergone an upbringing that was set up out of incomprehension and struggle, which resulted in powerlessness. This powerless feeling may be lifted, the old patterns will be vibrated through the crystal core because a higher frequency enters the earth. Man is set Free Everyone has made great strides in his or her own way and many old patterns have already been broken. What else does it take to wake up further? It has to do with the renewed crystalline field of the earth. The crystalline field is going to manifest in different layers of human consciousness. These layers will be activated in the next 13 full moons of the year 2020. The activation of this field affects people deeply in the family lines. This gives an acceleration of frequency and therefore more insight is created. The heart opens faster. To start living completely from the heart, waves of awareness may arise. Many have the vision to take care of the earth. Deep down this is felt and it has an impact on your whole world. The earth is calling to restore love and the lack of love becomes apparent. Accepting each other does not mean that the other has to adopt your vision. Stay true to yourself without being stubborn. Karma is an old timeline that needs to be lifted, along with powerlessness. It no longer applies in the new world, as manifestation power arises. CRYSTALLINE SEED OF RENEWAL Hidden deep within you and fully protected lies the seed of the new age. The fear of letting this star seed grow into a new age talent makes you insecure. However, you have to lift this protective layer to activate fertilization via the crystalline field. You may lift the old Atlantean barrier. IT'S TIME The preparations are over and a new world is emerging, partly visible in the physical plane and much more present in the etheric plane. The etheric layer becomes visible to those who dare to embrace it. Fear holds back a lot and closes the gates in your system. You are the key bearer, no one else can do this for you. Unless you don't remember where that key went? Then look for help, that way you give permission to retrieve this key. In doing so, ask for protection from the Divine Source. This Divine unity energy will guide you to the one that suits you. COLLECTING OF INFORMATION Collecting information outside of yourself has been a good thing until now, this served to wake you up. Many woke up and there was joy, but some also struggled. The belief in a new world grew and this was necessary to get to the point where we are now with each other. We of the inner earth and our star brothers and sisters have longed for this moment. We were looking forward to this phase where the crystalline field was activated. It was a true experience to witness this and to see the glow in your eyes as the etheric field unfolds in your world. THE AMAZEMENT A complete surrender of trust is what it takes. The confidence that there will be a new world full of love and not one of fear and damnation. The old gross world will continue to exist for a while, to wake up those who need a little more time. Eventually it will disappear before the physical eyes, at least that is the intent of the new change. There are multiple life forms involved in all of this. FEARS The planet earth is changing and in a certain layer the fear will be stirred up. To what extent do you allow this fear to enter or does it reflect a fear from within? When the etheric field becomes stronger in its crystalline form, a lot of love is released, right through all layers. Be open to that. This world of Aquarius is getting so close to you, it's going to embrace you. Distinguish the dual sense of contradiction and do not place the two opposite each other, but connect them in your heart. Strange as this may sound, this is the only solution to solve the ancient battle. THE HEART BRAIN The knowledge to connect everything lies in the heart brain. It is important to open the heart in all layers. The family lines represent the trauma and the pain that results from it touches you most deeply. Opening this layer is not always easy. Connecting these family lines in crystalline consciousness takes a lot of time and energy. The physical layer is a bit slow, so take the space and give it time. Converting is not always without bumps. On the contrary, this year it will be a completely different experience. Continue to embrace the emotions that are released. Love your fellow man and yourself despite the shadows passing by. SHADOW FIELD Some shadows come from outside and want to lead you away from the Crystalline path. Some shadows come from within and these are the hardest to accept. It is not easy to face that part. Part of that shadow carries aggression, hatred, anger, jealousy and so on, and this one you can embrace? Accept that you are human in a dual world, a human made up of opposite parts. If you deny this truth, you are rejecting a part of yourself. For that reason there is a lot of struggle and powerlessness in this layer of matter, the denial is great. Here begins the path of self-knowledge, there lies a deep core which may be opened. Take it easy and don't be too hard on yourself or others. The conversion is through the lines of connection and you may embrace this energy together. YOUR QUEST Making the connection from the etheric field is an entirely different story. It also affects the physical body and matter. The enlightened path is not thinking that you are enlightened, but actually feeling and experiencing this in all parts of being human. Light is not only allowed to flow in the beautiful part of your personality. Also in the reverse and can you bear this? The training is to embrace and accept all parts. The knowledge to activate and understand this lies hidden in this crystalline seed of the new earth. It is a kind of Inner Quest, a search for the truth within yourself. At the same time, you may start to respect the truth of others, so that the outside world is the mirror in which your truth is reflected. These are the lines of connection. As long as there are judgments about others, you cannot fully reach this seed of renewal. EGO The ego is always fed. The less the ego plays along, the deeper you can get to the knowledge of the new earth. But sometimes you are not aware of the ego, when you go into communication with the ego you can ask if it may shrink. So that a crystalline thought can arise. You can also gently lull the ego to sleep. Especially when it blows up out of its own protection. Just let it go to sleep as much as possible so that the other part of you can wake up in crystalline consciousness. In this way you do not reject the ego, but you learn to deal with it. In the end, it is no longer necessary to turn on the ego and you will find a new way to solve difficult situations. NUCLEAR CRYSTAL AND CRYSTALLINE EARTH A crystalline field is already active in the inner earth, an extra force now opens from the core crystal of the earth. The crystalline network has now been set up and is now being activated in parts. There are 13 full moons in the year 2020, so the 13th nucleus is reached. That means that in the 12th layer a unity energy (Christ consciousness) flows and when it first moves, the rainbow snake is activated. This becomes the signal to planetary consciousness. The cosmos moves and connects the earth with the universal 12th layer, the Divine unity dimension. In this way universal bells start ringing, this tone indicates the height of the vibration. The etheric crystalline earth emerges in the subtle physical field. What the physical Earth will look like and whether it will last depends on humanity on Earth. Work hard on your own part of inner balance, meet yourself in this, for you need this part. This is your manual for progressing in both the physical and etheric part of the earth. These go together and refer to a mirror, the mirror of the heart. I, Adama greet you from the crystalline world, where we often meet and you know deep inside: "We are already connected". Let the knowledge open in freedom and love. Adonai January 23, 2020 This post may be shared in its entirety and as shown here, citing the source: © Arthura Hector All rights reserved

  • 2020: Activation of the Crystalline Field

    2020 WILL BE A SPECIAL CRYSTAL YEAR Ashtar: Good day dear ones, I would like to pass on a beautiful message about 2020 and the crystalline field. That 2020 WILL BE A SPECIAL YEAR IS A FACT The build-up of the crystalline grid is coming to an end stage, whereby the activation of this crystalline field will take place in 2020. It is slowly starting to unfold towards a culmination and this will take place during the summer of 2020. This winter of 2019, the physical crystals will begin to manifest, introducing this great field of change. The New Year does not fall in January for some cultures and religions, but in the summer. They assume a different count and cosmic aspects play a role in this. The Mayan calendar is one of them. Through this calendar one can better understand this crystal year, but even without any calendar all this will be experienced firmly. The feeling and the emotion are number one in this year. The budding of a love field that can never be destroyed. The activation of the crystalline grid will take place around August 2020. At that time I will give an extra message about this special event. SPECIAL YEAR The build-up to this spectacular event will be felt throughout 2020 and the years beyond will be very exciting. Because major transformations are going to take place after the activation of this crystalline field. This is a very powerful field of love and softness, a feminine breeze that will blow through your hearts. She will be kind and understanding. This activation will be received from Mother Earth from a layer. Her core is prepared and ready to realize this conversion! MAJOR CHANGES POLITICS That includes major changes and for some, these immense changes are too intense. When you see that your fellow man gets stuck, try to help them. The stalling can come in many ways and not everyone can connect with the crystalline field of love, therefore a lot of help is needed on the physical plane. Some get stuck in the fight. There will be a lot of opposition and they will fight, this can eventually open the eyes of the politicians. Surely they will try to obscure all that is new out of misunderstanding and to bring it all into disarray. Great fear arises. The crystalline field bears forth something beautiful and from her cloak of crystal, a blanket of great transmutation will descend. We (Ashtar Command) from the starlight would like to share this, as every human is now being activated. Ready or not, it's going to happen. This power is so great and phenomenal: The Earth is being lifted up in a cosmic reset. Nobody can stop this renewal, not a single politician or ruler. The confusion can therefore strike them and many are thus forced to look into their own hearts. CHAOS People have to unite in order to survive in the chaos. This chaos will arise from a cry for help. The crystalline field will open your hearts and eyes and this purification of love flows through all. THOUGHT POWER Every thought will be influenced by this crystalline grid of Aquarius. So much love will be released so that many new thoughts will arise. Creative processes will accelerate in the brain. Try not to get overstimulated, but find your own place. So that this process can take place from the rest. Create a beautiful place on earth in which you feel good, so that this resting point is also physically present. The physical and material are directly involved in the change. The great conversion will take place in many layers. With the old thoughts: "about how life works, you're not going to make it". Then you get stuck and the thoughts become too negative. Even if you don't "yet" understand what's happening around you, keep faith. Always take a new step and embrace the new feeling. You're becoming crystalline and it's really going to happen now.. CRYSTALS The Earth embraces her children with a new vibration: "ask for this increase in energy". This way you prepare yourself well during this crystalline conversion. She will speak in all layers, in the layer of silence and in the layer of chaos. The crystals of the earth are activated and that gives an enormous power to the earth. Do you have crystals around you? These help you activate the crystalline field. Allow images of crystals to work on you so that it softens the conversion. The old field that is still active can then recognize the new codes. Crystals carry their own communication. Visualize yourself in the new crystalline world, nurture it with love and crystal thoughts. This has a positive effect on your health. In addition, you may travel to the crystalline caves of the inner earth, this can be done during your sleep or in meditations. All this has a healing effect and brings balance. The restlessness in your body will dissolve quickly. Do you need to prepare something? That depends on who you are and what you would like to do. During this crystal year major conversions take place and you come into contact with this new energy. It is a natural process that will take place. We pass this information on so that many are reached. Explaining this change can be helpful in removing blockages in the process, because fears also arise. DISCLOSURE Crystal fields emit a superfine vibration. Go to the stillness of your heart and try to receive it. Let it come in very gently and ask for support during these changes so that you stay balanced. This form of disclosure will be felt very deeply. Disclosure is opened by man himself on earth, it is part of a natural process and of your evolution. Man is the inhabitant of the earth and will be allowed to set up this crystal field himself. The earth is in contact with the cosmos and the universal knowledge, through her every person can be opened in a safe way. Unfortunately, there are still many who live in the veils and for them this change may come as a shock (at first). SPIRALS OF GREAT CHANGE The reversal of the old to the new is going to unfold. The old is crumbling. The shock of what it really is like can be intense. Fear can take over, especially because those in power have lied to you. Who else can you rely on? An unsafe feeling can pass them by. FEARS Those in power also feel this change and in them this reversal also takes place. What they do with it can turn out differently, some get up in the new movement and thus form a good guideline? They can let go of the old system and put it all in a new form. These new thoughts mainly arise because the people no longer accept everything. The eyes of those who are wrong must be opened, The oppressed man must spread it. That happens en masse and in many countries there is great dissatisfaction, through protest actions people demand change of the laws... The old law is stuck. It's unstoppable, the renewal is on! The new earth children know this. It is the parents, educators, teachers and counselors who veil their crystalline field. Protect this Aquarius child with your pure power of love. Talk to them and feel their energy and be honest. So much for this post, more to come about the crystalline earth. This was Ashtar, Adonai I salute the crystal in your heart December 30, 2019 This post may be shared in its entirety and as shown here, citing the source: © Arthura Hector All rights reserved

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