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Third Crystalline Moon: The Detoxifier

Writer's picture: Arthura  HectorArthura Hector

Lady Gaia: Full SuperMoon, Super Beautiful

Lady Gaia

This full moon of March 9, 2020 releases a super energy in the field of detoxification. You may notice that your entire emotional system finds itself in a separate field of tension. If so, you're working hard to disconnect old things from the past. Rest assured it will pass. Too many emotions need to be balanced. Because emotions enhance this process. Try to bring yourself back to simplicity as much as possible. To the peace in your heart.

The earth, Lady Gaia does not only revolve for humans, but precisely for everything that lives. I am part of many layers of consciousness. Earth consciousness may reach a point this year where the health of my core is reflected on my surface in the human worldview.

This will open further next year

This moon is touching the earth's past, my old energy wants to be released. Many people hold on to the old, let it go and help me in this transition. Crystalline energy may continue to flow in any vibration, that way the new field becomes a powerful layer from which I can manifest. I am taking my new earth children into this and many natural life forms of the earth are transferring into this layer. The new earth is a beautiful form of loving togetherness.


This moon is the mirror of emotion. It reflects your vibration and this supermoon can raise or lower your entire system. What is reflected in this supermoon? Which experience will arise and who will take place in this manifestation of me.., who will play the leading role in this film? What are you looking at?

There are unconscious judgments in your head. It kind of depends on what you're going through and what this moon is showing you. How does your energy system react to this detox, is it the old pieces that trigger you? The moon of March seems like a magic mirror in which both terrible scenes pass by, but also the beauty of the heart. These opposites are released and thus form a different vision.


The traumas that are still present in some may be released. It's about the fear that lies behind this scenario. This becomes visible and emotions take flight to a certain point. That point becomes the point of turnaround and once that is understood, everything comes into balance. The peak of emotions immediately subside and show a whole different world. Then the curtain opens and a friendly and harmonious world emerges. A new start, for all people. For the whole world, including me.

Besides the monsters and hell, there is an entirely different way of life.

That is why this moon carries the balance of the heart, the balance that may take place from the detoxification. Because once going through this detoxification, rainbows appear and they make everything whole. In this way, this supermoon can become a super beautiful experience. You feel very clean and pure afterwards. Completely different.


You can now let go of the old judgment and thus break the prison in which you have lived for a long time. Love is really going to flow all the way through you now. Allow it, you need this so much. Every soul needs love. Also us from another etheric dimension and when we can all share this this love is so beautiful.


So the peaks in the deep emotions are the clearing, also physically many go through erratic discomforts. Complaints from the liver, kidneys, bile and pancreas can play a role. The body can stiffen with fear and pain. This third crystalline activation is so strong that you don't have to do anything extra. The liver plays a major role and cleaning is allowed during this moon. If you want to support this through nutrition, the best period is after the full moon. During waning moon. The kidneys also detoxify and remove waste products. Make sure you take rest and relaxation. The body works very hard and after working hard, you can enjoy it again. Enjoy, even if you think you shouldn't, make room for it.


The coronavirus has shown itself during this moon of detoxification and especially China and other countries have come into contact with it. This time-out wakes people up. The film of fear is magnified, especially in the countries where it has exploded. From the new moon of detoxification, this has built up and will continue until the full moon of March 9, 2020. With the waning moon, the strength of the virus will also decrease. After this full moon, there will be more peace again. A small part of this virus remains active, where it may still have some effect. It has shown a fear and people should know how vulnerable life on earth can be.

How big is the corona monster made?

This depends on the “lessons” being received in all walks of life. Monsters are there to be defeated, but how? If you make the monster too big and too unrealistic, it will be a disaster? A healthy mind can understand and know what to do, but a sick mind shuts itself up with fear. Sometimes this may also happen, it gives peace and reflection, but don't make it a corona monster that everyone devours. Let go of that doom and gloom. That way the coronavirus is having an effect on humans during this super moon, everything is blown up bigger than it is, the super reflections go to work. Work your way through these thoughts:


Je kunt nu het oude oordeel loslaten en zo doorbreek je de gevangenis waarin je lang hebt geleefd. De liefde gaat nu werkelijk helemaal door je heen stromen. Laat het toe, je hebt dit zo nodig. Elke ziel heeft liefde nodig. Ook wij vanuit een andere etherische dimensie en wanneer we dit allen kunnen delen is deze liefde zo wonderschoon.


Dus de pieken in de diepe emoties zijn de opschoning, ook fysiek gaan vele door grillige ongemakken. Klachten vanuit de lever, nieren, gal en alvleesklier kunnen op gaan spelen. Het lichaam kan verstijven van angst en pijn. Deze derde kristallijne activatie is zo sterk dat je niks extra's hoeft te doen. De lever speelt een grote rol en tijdens deze maan mag er gereinigd worden, wil je dit gaan ondersteunen d.m.v. voeding, dan is de beste periode na de volle maan. Tijdens afnemende maan. Ook de nieren ontgiften de afvalstoffen en deze worden verwijdert. Let goed op dat je rust en ontspanning neemt. Het lichaam werkt heel hard en na hard gewerkt te hebben, mag er weer genoten worden. Geniet, ook al denk je dat het niet mag, maak er ruimte voor.

Corona Virus

Het coronavirus heeft zich laten zien tijdens deze maan van ontgifting en vooral China en andere landen zijn daarmee in aanraking gekomen. Deze time-out schudt mensen wakker. De film van angst wordt vergroot, vooral in de landen waar het geëxplodeerd is. Vanaf de nieuwe maan van ontgifting heeft zich dit opgebouwd en dit zal zich laten gelden tot de volle maan van 9 maart 2020. Met de afnemende maan zal ook de kracht van het virus gaan afnemen. Na deze volle maan komt er weer meer rust. Een klein gedeelte van dit virus blijft actief, waar het nog iets mag uitwerken. Het heeft een angst laten zien en de mens mag weten hoe kwetsbaar het leven op aarde kan zijn.

Hoe groot wordt het coronamonster gemaakt?

Dit hangt af van de “lessen” die ontvangen worden in alle lagen van de wereldbevolking. Monsters zijn er om verslagen te worden, maar op welke manier? Maak je het monster te groot en te onrealistisch dan wordt dit een ramp? Een gezonde geest kan het begrijpen en weet wat te doen, maar een zieke geest sluit zichzelf op van angst. Soms mag dit ook gebeuren het geeft rust en bezinning, maar maak er geen coronamonster van wat iedereen verslindt. Laat die doemgedachte los. Op die manier heeft het coronavirus een uitwerking op de mens tijdens deze supermaan, alles wordt g

roter opgeblazen dan het is, de superreflecties gaan aan het werk. Werk jezelf door deze gedachten heen:

Because the world view is shocked for a while

It no longer takes place on the silver screen, fantasy becomes reality? The earth shows itself and the sick part also gets up and takes a different turn in

your life. Wherever the disease originated, it affects everyone.

The third crystal moon of 2020 makes everything die and bloom again and the purity of the crystals are increased and work through, the large crystal field becomes more powerful and it is reflected by its super moon.

Enjoy, because she is super beautiful!

These were Ashtar and Lady Gaia,

We salute the light in your heart


March 7, 2020

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All rights reserved ©Arthura Hector

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