ADAMA An activation opens in accelerated energy. By which you are all touched and rise up in a renewed phase. This new phase is the start of the new age of Aquarius.

A great acceleration is about to be activated and many spirits are receiving an enlightened energy, all to spread the Sacred Knowledge. The new impulses are now coming in and from the Sacred Temples of Shamballa we will support this energy and assist humanity in this great leap. There will be many jumps and this layering is necessary for the total transmutation to succeed. In order to clear the lower frequency and elevate to a higher vibration, a great change is needed. It is the movement from low to high to activate your vision again and again. This acceleration will work through all layers: "From the energetic aura to the physical subtle body".
The crystalline field provides these accelerations when the photon light starts to resonate higher again. The photon belt is getting stronger and the tuning to the crystalline field ensures that you go along with the increase in frequency in a natural way. Try as much as possible to clear your old Atlantean patterns because a clear mind can make good choices and act quickly and all this may arise from the heart.
Acting quickly and changing gears quickly are an important part of the acceleration that will come. The head can become a burden in this, because the structure of conversion via the head proceeds differently, often more slowly. Start from your feeling to tackle old problems or illnesses. Visualize your problems and communicate with your body. Through a symbolic dream language you can then read which direction you can go.
"Do you have an old problem that keeps coming up, send love into the higher consciousness of this experience and leave the old pattern of struggle and wanting to be right."

This is the period when everything opens up quickly.
The very beginning of a new dawn has arrived and the manifestation power is really going to rise. The rainbows of connection are realized in many serious matters, such as in politics and economics.
Acceleration in all layers of energy
When you go through the gate of light, an entirely different world opens up. The division of old and new arise in a natural way, don't feel burdened it can't be any other way because the resonances are too different. Later when there is more unity, they will reunite in a different time zone. Nothing and no one is lost. The memories of an old Atlantis are coming up and therefore illnesses are worked out through the old patterns of Atlantis in order to cancel the old codes. We from the Inner Earth play a major role in achieving these conversions. Our consciousness is clear and the memories of a lost Atlantis we can visualize and materialize so that we can help you in that. (Arthura: see previous post about Atlantis).
Through this acceleration you can make great leaps forward in consciousness. It is a special period with beautiful updates. If your environment can't keep up with you so quickly, let them go for a while. Respect their way of life and move forward in the process of light. Do not hinder yourself and let yourself be carried away in this new flow of Aquarius. Be a forerunner and show the new earth through your behavior and your appearance. This current stimulates all the senses, it makes you joyful and it is also soothing. Aggression and a compelling tone are not part of this. These are not the impulses we are talking about.
The Atla-Ra is now fully prepared for all that is to come and is cooperating with the Universal Sacred Councils. They support some individuals who are blocked in certain processes. This can be in certain political interests, economic housing facilities and legal systems.
The intention behind this is that the new visions will be realized, and that everything that is created from the new earth will get a flow. The development of the new knowledge is supported by the Sacred Temples of Shamballa. The Atla-Ra have a more process-oriented role in this, such as regulations of the Sacred Laws. Those who arise from the concept of the new earth will receive the greatest support from these dimensions. We welcome everyone with a pure heart and pure intentions into the new earth energy.
I salute the light in your heart,
This was Adama
August 21, 2021
This post may be shared in its entirety and with reference to the source: © Arthura Hector all rights reserved.
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