Cosmic Reading
In a reading we will look at what you need insight into at the moment, so that it is clear again where you are at the moment and in which direction you can go to achieve your goal.
This can be to stimulate your inner growth by:
Relationships, Work, Family Ties, Talents, Education, Inner Child.
We will also balance the energy.
Healing energy from the Divine Light World, the Christ Consciousness.
A reading lasts one hour and can provide insight and clarity about your personal situation, so that you can continue. For a depth healing I refer to the cosmic light journey.
In grieving processes we can say goodbye to loved ones from a loving embrace. The last goodbye can be accompanied by many emotions and sometimes blockages or questions can arise. The 'forgetting' of an energetic goodbye is common. A rounding off is then necessary from both sides: 'Earthly and Energetic'. Through a reading a nice explanation can be given to calm this last goodbye so that acceptance and understanding arise.
The deceased loved one can now be released from a peaceful energy.
There are many forms of farewell and grieving process.
I am an instrument of the Universal Light and through my inner light and talent I can connect to a loving Higher Light world. I am a visual thinker and communicate through images. This is a universal language with its own meaning and each person has its own symbolism. There are many kinds of levels of consciousness and many ways to achieve this, I hope to stimulate others in their Light power so that you can reconnect with your true self.
I can answer the attunement to your inner need for help in this way. The answers can become visible through symbols and dream images that are connected to your universal Language of Light. Reading energy from the unconscious layers that are still hidden from you, we will open up in the psychic, mental and emotional layers, supplemented with experiences from the physical world.
I see memories as clouds from the past that come out through your thoughts.
Each dimension or layer in the aura has its own (string) vibration of sound and light. These vibrations then come together and open a unity energy, a portal through which I am guided to perceive, through images from the universal unity consciousness, the Christ consciousness.
© Arthura